Therapist in Ridgefield CT

Kathy Hayes-Bloch LCSW

I am a seasoned psychotherapist who has accompanied many people on their healing journeys over the past 20 years. While helping patients face depression, anxiety, addictions, and other mental health challenges, I noticed the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. I began to explore mindfulness practices and hypnosis as additional tools that could support people’s movement towards empowerment and freedom as they learned to heal and create a lasting sense of wellbeing

My work has been informed by many thoughtful mentors along the way. While I have studied meditation for over twenty years, I have had a transformative experience studying trauma-sensitive mindfulness (TSM) with David Treleaven, Ph.D. I worked with David as part of the leadership team in the advanced (TSM) training and I look forward to sharing these compassionate practices with the people who need them.

Hypnosis is an evidence-based process for healing that is under-utilized. I studied hypnosis with Daniel Brown, Ph.D., in a three-year externship. Through this training, I integrated hypnosis into my daily work, and I have helped many people manage acute and chronic pain, lose weight, stop smoking, and recover from trauma. Most recently, I studied Mahamudra meditation with Dan, in the last retreat he led before his death. It was a profound experience, and I am forever grateful. His memory and teachings will always be a blessing for me and the people I work with. I consult with hospitals, schools and agencies, conducting workshops, lectures, and professional training. I received my MSW at New York University and am an active member of Psychology Today.

Let’s heal together!

~Danbury Hospital

~New York Presbyterian

~Hartford Hospital

~ Psychology Today

~Freedom Warrior Tribe

~Community Mindfulness Project

~CT Oncology Group

~Ridgefield High School

~Ann’s Place


~The Trauma Aware Collective

~The American Society for Clinical Hypnosis

~Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness-Community Leadership

~Organizations I partner with~